emotive noise
Emotive noise by chaos, art and technology
Monoscope, ambient piano far travelers.
Transference is a voyage through dark ambient soundscapes were ten specific states of emotions are captured and recalled by emotive noise.
Monoscope and Transference are available now @ following music services
Citizen H is the pseudonym of the Swedish musician, producer and artist Niklas Hellberg. Born in Karlstad, Sweden 1964.
Hellberg started as a producer and engineer in the early 80:s, recording and producing local punk, rock and other acts including indie rock band All that jazz. All that jazz started working closer with Hellberg after recording songs for their debut EP "Banner of love" in 1985. Hellberg later joined the band as keyboard player in 1986. After several years as a band member including the release of two major label albums, "Even the threes" 1987 & "Colorblind" 1990 the band broke up in 1991.
Hellberg moved to Amsterdam in 1991 and joined the band Peace Love and Pitbulls . Exploring the world of industrial music from 1991-1997 releasing three albums "Peace love & pitbulls" 1992, "Red Sonic Underwear" 1995, "3" 1998 and touring during the period. During this period Hellberg also started to pursue his interest in industrial, noise, electronic and ambient music.
Hellberg continued working together with Thåström recording and releasing the album "Singoalla" under the name Thåström/Hell in 1998 for the Darling Desperados live theater performance with the same name at Gärdet in Stockholm Sweden.
Thåström and Hellberg also wrote music for another Darling Desperados performance "Over the rainbow" in 1997. This music is currently unreleased.
As member in Sällskapet together with Thåström and Ossler, Hellberg started working on the debut album in 2002. The self-named album "Sällskapet" was released in 2006. The debut went straight in as number 1 on the Swedish album charts of best-selling albums. The 2:nd album "Nowy Port", released in 2013 made number 5 in the Swedish sales chart when released. Sällskapet recently released their third album Disparition.
Hellberg also works closely with Thåström in Thåström solo act as producer, musician and also in the live band on several tours and albums during the period 2005 starting with "Skebokvarnsvägen. 209" and still ongoing with the latest released album "Centralmassivet" 2017.
Hellberg also founded the record label and recording studio Dust music together with friends 2002. The label and studio was operating 2002-2010. Releasing and recording several albums with artist like Sällskapet, Ossler, Monkey strikes, The Bukks, Gakko 3, Deltahead, Peggy Lejonhjärta, Conny Nimmersjö among others.
Hellberg currently lives in Karlstad Sweden. Carrying out most of Citizen H recordings in studio Nutopia.
-Niklas Bergson 2016
Appears on
Hellberg appears on following releases among others as a engineer, musician, songwriter or producer.
- Citizen H
- Sällskapet
- Thåström
- Ingenting gör mig, Ingen neråt sång
- Mannen som blev en gris
- Skebokvarnsv. 209
- Kärlek är för dom
- Beväpna dig med vingar
- Be bap a lula hela jävla dan
- Den morronen
- Som jordgubbarna smakade
- Fan fan fan
- Black Jim
- Sönder Boulevard
- Kärlek är för dom Single
- Kom med mig
- Old point bar
- Körkarlen
- Centralmassivet
- Papperstunna väggar
- Isbergen
- Dom som skiner
- Somliga av oss
- Peace love and pitbulls
- Peace love and pitbulls
- Red sonic underwear
- 3
- War in my living room 1992-1997
- Hideaway music from the motion picture
- Soundtrack from the film "Beck Lockpojken"
- (I'm the) Radio King-Kong
- Be my TV
- Hitch-Hike To Mars
- Do the monkey (hitch hike to Mars) remixes
- Reverberation nation
- Animals
- Das neue Konzept
- Caveman
- Kemikal
- Compilations Nevermind the mainstream
- Compilations Nordik Fnälö
- Compilations Nettwerk sound sampler vol. 4 - Possessed
- Compilations Experience MNW Records Group!
- Compilations Machine heads
- Thåström / Hell
- För dig naken. En film av Sara Broos med Lars Lerin & Manoel Marques
- All that jazz
- Banner of love
- Even the threes
- All that Jazz
- Colorblind
- Hiding out music from the motion picture
- Other
© 2016 All rights reserved Citizen H, Nutopia Music, Helltech